Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cats and Crabs

Not in your pants.

We went to the fish store to get our water tested and see about getting some fishies. E-N J-C D-K (Emo Nemo Jon Claud Death Killer) Is apparently aggresive, and I got sad and didn't know what I wanted to get.. since the fishie i really liked is non aggresive and Emo might hurt him .. I didn't get anything. But Juston got 2 Stinging Cat fish who are big scaredy babies. The mostly stay in one little cave and hide from big Emo ... even though they together are like 4 of him.
stinging catfish
He also got this cute little Emerald Crab who looks like this.
emerald crab

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hermit Crabs & Filter Changing

We got two little hermit crabs for the salt water tank and changed the filter on the little fresh water tank.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh Mi Oh My

Soon to be beautiful.
This is my new little Emo Nemo JC
frettings 043
He has quite the big space to himself right now. He's cute and hopefully a survivor.
This is his home. We are going to make it super pretty with clams, corals, fish, anenomes(wever to spelling) and shrimpies.
frettings 041
It is a 40g salty water hopefully not everything dies pretty fish tank which was retrieved from some nice people in SF last night with the help of Tye, his truck and some boy muscles.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Fishings and plants

We got more plants.. i forgot what they are called and 2 albino cory catfish.. which i think are cute. Juston got this bamboo shrimp guy who is very attractive.
The pH is fixed now.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oh Plants are good!

So since the fish guy at the fish store of knowledge said plants only do good things.. and they look pretty.. and the fish like them.. I got some more.
fishlight 010
It's big and leafy.
They come in these neat little plastic things and live forever.
fishlight 008
The fish tank is now rather leafy. I was considering getting a fish but they all looked very blah..
This is what it looks like and I dont actually have any fish since you can't really see any ever.
fishlight 014
The pH was amazingly checked before all the adds and came out at a nice 7.4... since my leg is fat and obviousley purple but mostly fat it looks purple when its really light greenish.
fishlight 007

Sharkey is having some sort of eye issue and it's hot his eye is probably issuing because of the heat. imo.

Panda Chi is super skitterish today even though a got her a new cuddle bone to snuggle with and a truely wooden perch.. I also looked at other parakeets for friendly possibilites (because thats what i really need) but they also all looked quite blah.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Testing Results

Tank pH 8.2
Untreated Tap water pH 8.4
Treated tap water with twice the recommended dose 7.4
Nitrates are at 0 so yay to that.
Ammonia is hopefully low.. i can't find something needed to test it right now.

After a partial water change the tank is at about 7.6
starlight 079
starlight 080

Ghost shrimps

Ghost shrimps apperntly have a really short life span. And our tap water has a super high pH so the fish people who know things in cotati (which really is far away) told us what to get to fix it. The fish seem happier. The tank still needs a couple water changes to get it lower to 7.4 but its around 7.8 right now then maybe maybe we can get some more fishies. OH and plants aren't pH raising fish killers! yay. They only make things happier and better.