Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cats and Crabs

Not in your pants.

We went to the fish store to get our water tested and see about getting some fishies. E-N J-C D-K (Emo Nemo Jon Claud Death Killer) Is apparently aggresive, and I got sad and didn't know what I wanted to get.. since the fishie i really liked is non aggresive and Emo might hurt him .. I didn't get anything. But Juston got 2 Stinging Cat fish who are big scaredy babies. The mostly stay in one little cave and hide from big Emo ... even though they together are like 4 of him.
stinging catfish
He also got this cute little Emerald Crab who looks like this.
emerald crab

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the crab...he looks like a baby artichoke. RL